Butch Hartman Works with ISBX to Create The Noog Network

August 12, 2015
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August 12, 2015

Bethalyn Staples

Come visit the land of NOOG!
A col­or­ful, zany world cre­at­ed by Emmy nom­i­nat­ed car­toon­ist, Butch Hart­man! If you loved his hit ani­mat­ed shows, “The Fair­ly Odd­Par­ents,” “Dan­ny Phan­tom” and “Tuff Pup­py” on Nick­elodeon, you’ll be wild about his new app, THE NOOG NETWORK! ISBX recent­ly com­plet­ed this imag­i­na­tive app under Butch Hartman’s direction.
Now avail­able for the iPhone, this inter­ac­tive app is geared towards kids ages 6–14. The Noog Net­work is a vibrant world fea­tur­ing games, live action TV Shows, and car­toons! Play sil­ly games and watch mini-episodes to earn Noog Nick­els. The more Noog Nick­els you have, the more col­or­ful char­ac­ters (NOOGS) you can col­lect and use as avatars while nav­i­gat­ing through fun adven­tures. It’s an ever-expand­ing world that will keep grow­ing with new pro­gram­ming. Noog TV even includes behind-the-scenes footage of Butch Hart­man devel­op­ing con­tent in his pri­vate stu­dio. The Noog Net­work is a safe place for kids and tweens to explore. Down­load the app today to check out all of the kooky action!
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