Linktune to Demo at TechCrunch Disrupt SF

September 8, 2014
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September 8, 2014

Arthur Iinuma

ISBX built Linktune App to debut at Techcrunch Disrupt
Link­tune, a social music shar­ing app, will be demo­ing the Beta ver­sion of their app dur­ing TechCrunch’s Dis­rupt San Fran­cis­co Event (Sep­tem­ber 8–10th) in hopes of com­pet­ing as an entrant into “Start­up Bat­tle­field,” a com­pe­ti­tion of the top 15 com­pa­nies cho­sen from the hun­dreds of atten­dees at Start­up Alley.
Link­tune is designed to allow indi­vid­u­als to con­tribute music, from their library of songs, to a mas­ter playlist from the con­ve­nience of their mobile devices. The mobile app, con­ceived by Alex Plueger and designed and devel­oped at ISBX, allows users to con­tribute music from var­i­ous music sources such as their iTunes playlist and Spo­ti­fy account into a sin­gle col­lab­o­ra­tive ses­sion. The ses­sion host can invite friends or open up the ses­sion to the pub­lic, allow­ing any­one with the app, the abil­i­ty to stream music con­tent from their own accounts. The app also includes advanced playlist man­age­ment fea­tures such as vot­ing, to ensure that only the most pop­u­lar songs get to the top of the playlist.
ISBX helps startups build and launch their apps
This would not be the first time ISBX has par­tic­i­pat­ed in the launch of start­up app, ear­li­er this year DYP, designed and devel­oped by ISBX for Sam Zarib­ian and Robert Nunn, made head­lines on the front page of dur­ing its launch, receiv­ing tens of thou­sands of down­loads in the days proceeding.
ISBX also par­tic­i­pat­ed in the soft-launch of Citiblast, at Hol­ly­wood night­club Ohm, along with DJ Fel­li Fel and a slew of par­ty-goers shut­tled in on busses from as far south as Irvine, CA.
ISBX has par­tic­u­lar exper­tise in design­ing and devel­op­ing apps for invest­ment-backed star­tups — and con­tin­ues to lever­age it’s exper­tise in design­ing and archi­tect­ing cut­ting edge mobile tech­nol­o­gy from the ground up. To learn more about our mobile appli­ca­tion devel­op­ment ser­vices, please con­nect with us to learn more.
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