Teachers Are Talking About FaceTalker!

February 17, 2016
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February 17, 2016

Eric Wise

Teachers Are Talking About FaceTalker!
Our free app, Fac­eTalk­er, has got­ten some recent atten­tion in school sys­tems across the coun­try. Edu­ca­tors reached out to us to express grat­i­tude for this easy, fun tool they incor­po­rat­ed into their class­rooms! Fac­eTalk­er is an app that you can use to make any image talk! Add a mov­ing mouth or a person’s face to an exist­ing pic­ture! Want to make Abra­ham Lin­coln deliv­er your les­son plans for the day? Now you can! Have your stu­dents use the app to present their his­to­ry report! Teach­ing younger kids? Use the app to make ani­mals talk! It’s sim­ple as ABC!
Julie Smith, The Techie Teacher, loved it so much; she shared an instruc­tion­al blog post about Fac­eTalk­er with her fol­low­ers. She said the fol­low­ing about our app:
“Fac­eTalk­er is my new FAVORITE app. I use it with grades K‑5 and absolute­ly love how easy and intu­itive it is for stu­dents to cre­ate qual­i­ty projects. Fac­eTalk­er sets itself apart from oth­er sim­i­lar apps because it does­n’t seem to have a record­ing time lim­it… YAY! Every­thing about that app is awesome!”
Respec­tive­ly, we also received acco­lades from edu­ca­tors Justin Cowen, Karen Ogen, and Edu­ca­tion­al Tech­nol­o­gy and Mobile Learn­ing whose blogs all list­ed exam­ples of how the app works as well as ways to incor­po­rate it into a Teacher’s Toolbox!
Check out this video tuto­r­i­al by Justin Cowen:
iTunes Store:
Down­load the app
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