

A platform for all the content in our lives

Clapit is a social enter­tain­ment net­work where unknown actors are dis­cov­ered by the Clapit com­mu­ni­ty.. Famous actors, pro­duc­ers and direc­tors announce open calls for their lat­est fea­ture film or TV show, unknown actors then sub­mit their audi­tion via video.

Services Provided

User Experience

UI Design

App Development




Curating the best of your social media

With so many social media and news plat­forms fight­ing for a user’s atten­tion, it’s easy to become over­whelmed by too much infor­ma­tion. Clapit helps alle­vi­ate this prob­lem via an easy-to-use mobile app that enables peo­ple to quick­ly view only the very best con­tent available.


Using the App, users can “clap” con­tent that they enjoy which is then shared to the Clapit App and all linked social media plat­forms. The most-clapped items are dis­played by cat­e­go­ry in the App and view­able by every­one. As new items become more pop­u­lar the old ones are replaced, cre­at­ing an always-fresh feed of great con­tent. Users have pro­files dis­play­ing their recent claps and are able to fol­low others.
ISBX helped build Clapit every step of the way from ini­tial con­cep­tion and design to devel­op­ment and launch.
Down­load on the App store

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