
Branding & Logo Creation

At ISBX we spe­cial­ize in cre­at­ing brands that res­onate with your audi­ence, and we’re experts at design­ing logos that are mem­o­rable and unique.
Our process is simple:
We start by meet­ing with you to under­stand who your cus­tomers are, what they need from your brand, and what they want from you. Then we work with you to under­stand your busi­ness, its goals, and what makes it spe­cial. Then we use our exper­tise to come up with brand ideas that are tai­lored to you, that reflect your val­ues and strengths, and that will make you shine!
Once we’ve nailed down the per­fect con­cept for your brand iden­ti­ty, we’ll work with you to devel­op an eye-catch­ing logo design to com­ple­ment your new look.
Once the strat­e­gy is set, we get to work on cre­at­ing some ini­tial options for logos that we think will fit the bill for your brand. We’ll send them over so you can review them, and then we’ll make adjust­ments as need­ed until every­body’s hap­py with the final result!

Style Guide Creation

Cre­at­ing a style guide is an impor­tant step in the process of build­ing a web­site, because it ensures that all of your team mem­bers and part­ners are work­ing with a con­sis­tent set of stan­dards for what’s accept­able and what’s not.
The ISBX team can help you cre­ate a style guide for your busi­ness that includes:
  • A list of approved fonts and col­ors for use on your site
  • A list of approved images to use on your site
  • A list of approved logos, includ­ing where they can be used and how big they should be (or how small) in rela­tion to oth­er ele­ments on the page
  • A list of approved icons and illus­tra­tions that can be used through­out the site

Deck & Prototype Creation

ISBX’s Deck cre­ation ser­vices help busi­ness­es to cre­ate engag­ing and visu­al­ly appeal­ing pre­sen­ta­tions that effec­tive­ly com­mu­ni­cate their ideas and mes­sages. Their expe­ri­enced team of design­ers work close­ly with clients to cre­ate cus­tom pre­sen­ta­tions that are tai­lored to their spe­cif­ic needs and goals. ISBX’s pre­sen­ta­tion process includes con­sul­ta­tion, ideation, design, con­tent cre­ation, and deliv­ery. With a focus on cre­ativ­i­ty and impact, ISBX is com­mit­ted to deliv­er­ing pre­sen­ta­tions that cap­ture and hold the atten­tion of their audience.

Creative Design Process

The cre­ative design process is one that is large­ly over­looked by a major­i­ty of our com­peti­tors. While the larg­er brands are ful­ly aware of the impor­tance of this process, most start­up clients dis­count the impor­tance of the design process and there­fore do not appropriate­ly assess the qual­i­ty and stan­dards of an agen­cy’s process.

At ISBX The Cre­ative Design Process Is All Encom­pass­ing And Includes The Following:

User Per­sonas
Per­sona mod­el­ing is a crit­i­cal part of the design process and involves defin­ing the var­i­ous users that may inter­face with the sys­tem. Soft­ware designed for an engi­neer may have a fun­da­men­tal­ly dif­fer­ent design approach ver­sus soft­ware designed for a teacher or par­ent. Under­stand­ing these var­i­ous per­sonas will help us define the archi­tec­ture of the appli­ca­tion itself, which becomes increas­ing­ly impor­tant if there are mul­ti­ple roles inter­fac­ing with the appli­ca­tion at any giv­en time.
Infor­ma­tion Architecture
“IA” is a for­mal struc­tur­al design process for soft­ware sys­tems that gen­er­al­ly cul­mi­nates in the pro­duc­tion of “Wire­frames.” Sim­ply pro­duc­ing the wire­frames does not nec­es­sar­i­ly mean an appro­pri­ate Infor­ma­tion Architec­ture process was imple­ment­ed. Since the process defines the loca­tions of every inter­face with­in the mobile or web appli­ca­tion, IA requires that the Infor­ma­tion Archi­tect be up to date with the indus­try’s best prac­tices for User Expe­ri­ence and User Inter­face Design, such that the soft­ware sys­tem is eas­i­ly uti­lized by its intend­ed audience.
Defin­ing Over­all Site Flow and Map
This exer­cise is espe­cial­ly crit­i­cal in fun­nel­ing your users toward a “call to action” or the main fea­ture of the web­site or appli­ca­tion, and involves defin­ing the over­all page struc­ture for the entire soft­ware sys­tem. It helps dis­till a mul­ti­tude of ideas and infor­ma­tion into a coher­ent lay­out and address­es ques­tions like, “What is the pri­or­i­ty of each page with respect to the appli­ca­tion and user?” This process also helps us make the design process more effi­cient by con­strain­ing large amounts of informa­tion into defined sections.
Logo Ideation and Design
Although less rel­e­vant for estab­lished brands, the logo design process is crit­i­cal­ly impor­tant for start­up clients and new brands. ISBX will under­go a for­mal logo ideation process that will help estab­lish the core iden­ti­ty of the applica­tion by tap­ping into the vision of the prod­uct own­er (client).
Style Sheet and Brand Guidelines
The process of defin­ing a for­mal style sheet and brand guide­lines is espe­cial­ly impor­tant for our start­up clients. This helps to estab­lish impor­tant stan­dards for your brand such as fonts, col­ors, themes, logo usage, and the over­all look-and-feel of your soft­ware prod­uct. This doc­u­ment is yours to keep and can be used to communi­cate the pro­duc­tion of any­thing from sta­tionery and pro­mo­tion­al mate­ri­als to the design of future prod­ucts. For estab­lished brands, we can fol­low your brand guide­lines and assure that any­thing we design is a mere exten­sion of the over­all cor­po­rate identity.
Design Com­po­si­tions
Per­haps the most read­i­ly under­stood part of the process is the pro­duc­tion of the design com­po­si­tion or “comps.” These are images of the final “look” of the var­i­ous sec­tions of your web­site or appli­ca­tion, and are the pri­ma­ry assets used by the devel­op­er teams to con­struct the front-end of your soft­ware sys­tem. They are also beau­ti­ful take­aways, which can most accu­rate­ly con­vey the over­all appear­ance of the appli­ca­tion to the prod­uct own­er and stake­hold­ers. While most of our clients cen­ter their atten­tion on these comps, few under­stand the com­pre­hen­sive and large­ly intan­gi­ble process of exer­cis­es required to arrive at a com­plet­ed set of comps.

The Importance of the Design Process

The design of your appli­ca­tion is just as impor­tant as the actu­al tech­nol­o­gy devel­op­ment process. It defines how a user will inter­act with your appli­ca­tion, and is the most pow­er­ful rep­re­sen­ta­tion of the per­ceived qual­i­ty of your appli­ca­tion. A poor­ly designed appli­ca­tion will be dif­fi­cult to use, reduc­ing the lev­el of engage­ment with your user and the over­all util­i­ty and enter­tain­ment val­ue of the appli­ca­tion. A well-designed appli­ca­tion will be intu­itive and enjoy­able, and often­times the flow through the App will be so seam­less that the user will be inter­fac­ing with the major fea­tures of the appli­ca­tion before they know it.

For Big Brands And Small Startups Alike

At ISBX our design team has been respon­si­ble for the design of web, mobile and desk­top appli­ca­tion for some of the largest brands in the world. And yet, we apply the same process for all of our clients, whether you’re a brand man­ag­er launch­ing a new line of footwear in the largest shoe com­pa­ny in the world, or an entre­pre­neur start­ing your first tech­nol­o­gy com­pa­ny with the devel­op­ment of a nov­el and unique soft­ware prod­uct. We invite you to come in and meet us to see the pas­sion we’ve put into ear­ly growth compa­nies — our full ser­vice agency is tai­lored to bring you from the ear­ly stages of design, all the way through devel­op­ment, test­ing and release. Keep read­ing to learn more about what to comes next.

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