
Reach your Desired Audience

Every mar­ket­ing cam­paign should be treat­ed unique­ly. There is no one size fits all for mar­ket­ing. We start by eval­u­at­ing your tar­get audi­ence and group­ing them into mar­ket groups that we can rank in terms of pri­or­i­ty. The pri­or­i­ti­za­tion of these mar­ket groups allows us to iden­ti­fy the mass mar­ket for your prod­uct down to the niche mar­ket where your prod­uct can thrive.
Bud­get­ing the mar­ket­ing plan is very impor­tant. No one wants to over­spend or quit before you suc­cess­ful­ly reach your mar­ket­ing goals because you run out of bud­get. We work with you to come up with an Action Plan that is reach­able with­in a set bud­get. We also like to approach the mar­ket­ing cam­paign in a phased approach allow­ing our clients to eval­u­ate the progress of the mar­ket­ing plan. This also allows us to AB Test and tweak the mar­ket­ing strat­e­gy as it progresses.

Amplifying Your Message

The first phase of the mar­ket­ing cam­paign is to iden­ti­fy ways we can ampli­fy your mar­ket­ing mes­sage. Through the use of search engine opti­miza­tion (SEO) we can set­up your web­site and appli­ca­tion so that your audi­ence has a way of find­ing you. Check out how we uti­lize Google’s Web­mas­ter Tools and Google Ana­lyt­ics to mon­i­tor the mar­ket­ing cam­paign and audi­ence fun­nel. Addi­tion­al­ly, we like to take a cross-plat­­form mar­ket­ing approach by uti­liz­ing social media to cre­ate Fan Pages and Face­book Apps that help facil­i­tate audi­ence reach. We also help syn­di­cate your Twit­ter posts and have ways to increase Twit­ter fol­low­ers and the abil­i­ty to have a mas­sive audi­ence retweet your mar­ket­ing mes­sage. A big part of set­ting up your prod­uct for ampli­fi­ca­tion requires get­ting all the tools in place to get the max­i­mum exposure.

Spreading The World

Once all of the ampli­fi­ca­tion tools are in place we begin the out­reach process. In this part of the mar­ket­ing cam­paign we focus on viral­i­ty of your prod­uct and mar­ket­ing mes­sage through social engage­ment. The use of Social Media Mar­ket­ing tac­tics is key and we have many strate­gies and expe­ri­ences that can help increase the viral-ness of your prod­uct to reach as many users as pos­si­ble. Once our out­reach process begins we rely on the tools we set in place to ampli­fy the mes­sage and dri­ve users to your web­site and App.
We com­bine both grass­roots mar­ket­ing with tra­di­tion­al mar­ket­ing through tra­di­tion­al Pub­lic Rela­tions (PR) chan­nels and newswires that spread aware­ness of your prod­uct launch via press releas­es. Com­bined with this effort we can tap into our net­work of blog­gers, Twit­ter fol­low­ers, and experts to spread the word.

Capturing Your Audience

The final step and most impor­tant part of the mar­ket­ing cam­paign is to “dri­ve con­ver­sion”. Dri­ving con­ver­sion refers to the process of get­ting the user from view­ing your prod­uct to actu­al­ly using it. This could be get­ting the user to signup on your web­site, down­load your App, or to make a pur­chase. We have many strate­gies of get­ting users to per­form these actions includ­ing the use of pro­mo­tion­al videos and com­mer­cials, event pro­mo­tions, and launch par­ties. There are many more ways to cap­ture your audi­ence and get them to use your prod­uct and we’d love to talk to you about them.

Measuring Success

Through­out the mar­ket­ing cam­paign you can eval­u­ate the suc­cess of the mar­ket­ing strat­e­gy through ana­lyt­ics and reports we set up for you. You’ll be able to see the mar­ket­ing reach by look­ing at mar­ket­ing impres­sions and look­ing at the num­ber of users that click through and use your prod­uct. Using these sta­tis­tics we can refine and build upon the mar­ket­ing efforts.

Collaborate with us

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